Drinks to consume in the morning to preserve your liver
La Rédaction - Madame Figaro

Who says winter season, also says dietary excesses, which can put a strain on our liver. On TikTok, an American gastroenterologist shares his plan of attack for taking care of this vital organ starting from breakfast.
Raclette, foie gras, chocolates, champagne crowding around the table... It's official, since the beginning of December, the gastronomic marathon of winter has begun. During this period, dietary principles often take a back seat, and it's not uncommon for the body to pay the price for these excesses in early January. Fat, sugar, and alcohol can harm our liver, this vital organ whose mission includes filtering and purifying toxins we may be exposed to in our diet.
Good news, there are drinks to consume right from breakfast that can help get your body back on track after dietary excesses. While coffee consumption is known to stimulate the production of specific enzymes for liver detoxification, the American gastroenterologist Joseph Salhab, very popular on social media (with over 1.3 million followers), revealed last August on his TikTok account three ideal alternatives to the 'petit noir' (small black coffee).
Green Tea
Tea has long forged a reputation as a health asset, particularly one variety, green tea, mainly produced in China. As Dr. Joseph Salhab reminds us, this hot drink contains 'a high amount of antioxidants and flavonoids called catechins', which help protect the liver, especially against hepatic steatosis. More specifically, this pathology, better known as fatty liver disease or NASH, is characterized by severe liver inflammation due to an accumulation of fat in the body.
Matcha Tea
Also in the category of hot drinks, another tea is recommended by the health professional. It's Japanese matcha, whose tea leaves are ground into a powder and traditionally whisked and diluted in boiling water. It too is known for its antioxidant properties, thus protecting our liver. 'It's a lot like green tea, but it's very concentrated as it's made from a different type of green tea that may contain more antioxidants than standard green tea preparation,' explains the gastroenterologist, who advises consuming it more in its raw form as a hot drink than as dietary supplements. Also worth noting, matcha tea, like green tea, contains less caffeine than coffee. This suits those who don't tolerate the 'petit noir' in the morning well.
A Smoothie
Smoothies made from blended fruits and vegetables can also impact liver health. In the produce section, Dr. Joseph Salhab recommends turning to green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, as well as certain red fruits like berries, which are very rich in antioxidants. Another advantage for people sensitive to caffeine, these vitamin-rich drinks contain 'no trace of this substance and remain very tasty,' he concludes. Get your blenders ready!