This Bullied Woman is Running for Miss Universe

She’s setting a good example to the world.


This Bullied Woman is Running for Miss Universe

Evita Delmundo is a 20 year old girl from Malaysia who was born with hundreds of hairy moles all over her face and body. She has been bullied her whole life because of them and was even called ‘monster’ and ‘chocolate chip cookie’. However, what we’ll tell you next will blow your mind: despite the cruel feedback from her surroundings, she learned to accept her birthmark, and she even embraces it now, to the point that she auditioned for Miss Universe this summer. 'I learnt to accept my birthmarks and love myself. I slowly gained confidence to show off my uniqueness’, said the Malaysian beauty.
Evita took this bold step on June 17, as she met last year’s winner Samantha Katie James. Will she make it to the next round? Stay tuned…