Long Distance Relationship Survival Kit
Are you up for it?

“If you want to live together, you first need to learn how to live apart.” – Anonymous. Long distance relationships are sometimes really hard to maintain and don’t always work. They can either bring the two of you closer together, or pull you further apart. Without further ado, here are our tips to help you survive a long distance relationship.
Send gifts
When you’re in a committed relationship, it’s always exciting to surprise your lover with a gift now and then. He’ll really appreciate your thoughtfulness, especially if he doesn’t get to see you often.
Make exciting plans
If you’re in a long distance relationship, you’ll know by now that spicing things up is always a good idea. You should always have something to look forward to when you see each other again; it could be a romantic getaway, a cooking class you want to try together, a monument you’d like to visit… Those simple things can keep you from drifting apart.
Visit often
Anyone can have a busy schedule with work, but when you’re dedicated to your love life, you must at least make an effort. Taking a day off from work or adjourning your dentist’s appointment aren’t the end of the world. In other words, if you don’t take the time to visit your partner once in a while, maybe you’re not that much into him after all.
Be yourself
Don’t forget to be yourself when you’re around him. It’s important to show the real you to your partner. Don’t be afraid to show your imperfections, because sooner or later, he will notice them. Being shady will waste both of your time. Besides, if he’s the one, he will accept your flaws right away.
Don’t over communicate
In some cases, excessive communication can be rather annoying and possessive. You don’t need to video chat five times a day, text him every two minutes and talk on the phone for three hours straight. Soon, there will be nothing to talk about and you’ll probably get tired of each other. It’s best to keep a distance so you could look forward to your next conversation.