Apparently, Showing Off Your Armpit Hair is Cool…
Madonna’s daughter is doing it too!

2017 has been a weird year… It seems like armpit hair is becoming more and more popular in the world of celebrities. First, the bold Paris Jackson dared the controversial look, then Madonna tried it. And now, it’s Madonna’s daughter, 21 year old musician Lourde who’s following this strange trend. She inaugurated the year 2018 with a picture she posted on New Year’s Day, showing her and her mother Madonna, and of course, her long black armpit hair.
A lot of women are doing this to show that they don’t care about beauty standards and to fight sexism. It’s mainly the very popular ‘pussy grabbing’ comment of President Donald Trump that made women all over the world revolt in many ways, and one of them is by letting their armpit hair grow. So, is this disgusting or inspiring?