Pascale Zouein: the makeup passion
Janine Ayoub

She mixes pigments, explores shades, juggles with trends and creates a positive atmosphere that is reflected on the faces of each of her clients. Pascale Zouein is the magical fairy behind the brushes of Tess Avenue.
Makeup, a passion or a knowledge?
This is an area that has fascinated me from a young age. It all started with a dream. At 27, I decided to give up my career as an operations manager in one of the largest local firms after management studies to follow my passion. Overnight, I resigned and invested in my new project. After several trainings in London and after having obtained an international certificate, I came across an ideal location in Adonis and the Tess Avenue adventure was born in 2007. Today, after 11 years, I still have this same thirst for learning, for knowing everything. I am a very ambitious person. I always want more. Every morning, I spend an hour on Instagram and Youtube to look for new styles, spot the latest trends or follow seminars and industry news.
What about your private life in this little empire that you created yourself?
I live for my job. My institute is my baby. I am married to my career!
Your biggest challenge?
Every success is a challenge for me. A successful make-up, a successful makeover, every face I work on is a new challenge!
Your distinctive sign?
I have my own style, I am nobody. The face of my clients is a canvas that I paint with flair and passion. There is no law in makeup, each face is a work of art except that you can not recreate.
What is your definition of beauty?
All is beauty and beauty begins with a state of mind. I try to convey my positivity to my clients. I work on the morale and self-confidence of my clients who are now my friends, to reflect their external beauty.
Three indispensable beauty products?
My eyebrow brush - which matters most to me - my foundation and my mascara.
Any future projects?
Many beautiful things! Expansion projects obviously, in the Arab countries but also at the national level. Stay tuned!