Every Lebanese woman should have these in her Make Up bag
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Helena Saadeh

There is no difference between beauty and the art of being always ready. Always stay ready to be charming and fitting in every occasion with these must have items in your make up bag. This also comes in handy if you like to travel.
No matter what shapes your eyes have, a tip that enhances their charm is using a black mascara that doubles the intensity of the eyelashes and makes your eyes look brighter.
And because the eyeliner has a prominent role in showing the beauty of the eyes, choose one in black and liquid for an easy application. Lips are not forgotten with a soft nude lipstick. For the skin, a Marc Jacob’s foundation with a smooth texture would be like giving your skin a homogeneous color without a thick layer on the face. Let your brilliance be further enhanced by the adoption of highlighter and bronzer from your favorite brand and you’re all set to go.