
Like every year, the Fernand Hosri Group organized their corporate social responsibility contest – this year - under the theme “Unleash Your Creativity” amongst more than 150 communication students from AUB, St. Joseph’s, AUST, Balamand, NDU, Holy Spirit, LAU and the Lebanese University.
Remy Abou Ghosn. Morgana Issa, Jennifer El Helou, Layale Salem, and Joelle Dagher; five graduating students from the Lebanese University submitted their combined thinking on how to present LEBANON LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE via a total communications campaign for a virtual Lebanese travel agency that is active in inbound and outbound tours. The submission was rich with the use of new technology including VR and went far beyond the brief in identifying opportunities and recommending solutions.
To the surprise of the team - who at one stage thought of withdrawing from the race, because they felt helpless against the teams of the foreign universities – their families, university professors and other contestants; they won. The five ladies came first, with flying colors.
Their award being an internship opportunity for one month at the TBWARAAD Group in Dubai, with all their travel and accommodation expenses offered by the organizers.
The team were in Dubai till the 7th of November which allowed us the opportunity to talk to them, about their experience. Joelle Dagher commented saying: “interning at TBWARAAD provided us an exceptional opportunity for learning about the ins and outs of working in the influential field of marketing, advertising, public relations and image management. For the past month, each one of us had the opportunity to focus on her specific area of interest.”
While Remy Abou Ghosn said Working with people that have high such high level of experience, helped us get day-to-day exposure to the real-world.
Jennifer El Helou, felt that being involved in making creative decisions, supporting client planning, developing media kits, and performing client focused marketing analysis, has certainly added a lot of value to our academic upbringing.
Layale Salem extended the great thanks and appreciation of the entire team to Fernand Hosri Group for allowing them such a unique opportunity, wishing more companies in Lebanon to try and duplicate the effort towards Lebanese youth.
Morgana Issa thanked TBWARAAD management and team for making her – and her colleagues – feel so much at home and expressed interest to join the TBWARAAD team in Beirut as she sincerely felt that the Lebanese communications market needed DISRUPTION particularly at this stage, when the entire country is asking for wise change.

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