What Did Nawal Al-Zoghbi say about Nadine Njeim & Haifa Wehbe?
This is what she thinks about online concerts
Hala Fayad

Lebanese star Nawal Al Zoghbi was yesterday’s guest of Mohammad Kais’s new program shown on MTV Lebanon TV channel, where she gave her opinion about online virtual concerts recently held by many stars due to social distancing.
Speaking of online concerts on YouTube, Nawal said: "If I was planning on throwing an online concert, I must do something that looks like me, and different from the others." She added that she would prefer to have a concert unlike any other.
Nawal confirmed that she did not watch Nancy Ajram or Najwa Karam’s online concert, however, she watched some footage and said: "Each of them had her own style, Nancy’s concert was full of youth and I loved the way she sang. As for Najwa, this is her style and her concert was dazzling."
Mohammad Kais showed the photos some Arab stars to his guest to tell if they were friends or not. Regarding Haifa Wehbe, Nawal said that she is neither an enemy nor a friend, but she is a beautiful woman and she supports her in her case with her former manager, Mohammed Waziri, pointing that she always stands with the woman against the man.
As for Assala, she said, “She is neither an enemy nor a friend, but she’s an artist with a strong and beautiful voice.” Likewise, Nadine Njeim, who described her as “a successful and beautiful actress, however, she’s not the most beautiful among other actresses,” then she referred to Maguy Bou Ghosn, whom she admires her acting skills and beauty as well.