5 Habits for Better Sleep
They will help you fall asleep quickly!
Madame Figaro

Tired of going around in circles waiting for sleep to come? You should start getting used to these 5 habits every day.
No doubt that sleep is very health for you. But when you go to bed, it is easier said than done, especially during this difficult time where we all are more anxious. A study conducted in France by the “Institut National du Sommeil et de la Vigilance” and by the MGEN, published on March 13th, 2020, revealed that French people have an average sleep time below 7 hours per night, thus, it is time to reverse this fact.Ever wondered if yourbad habits are causing you sleeping problems? Here are the good habits to follow in order to sleep easier at night.
Regular sleep schedules
Fixing a regularsleep schedule is great for better sleep, because it allows the body to expect sleeping and triggers easily the mechanism that allows you to fall asleep. Sleep is made of different cycles that everyone goes through: light sleep, deep sleep and paradoxical. Not only it is important to stick to a bedtime schedule regularly, but also to a wake-up time, to synchronize your body effectively with your bedtime.
Avoid engaging activities
If you don’t want to toss and turn for hours in bed, then think ofavoiding engaging or challenging activities at least an hour before you go to bed. This includes sports, work, video games, loud music... If you have trouble falling asleep without a TV, then choose quiet programs with a low volume. If you are using your laptop, lower the brightness. Also, avoid large meals and energy-boosting drinksin the evening, such as tea, coffee, caffeinated sodas. Instead, drink herbal teas, and why not enjoying a relaxation time before going to bed?
Create a calm and soothing environment
To fall asleep easily, you must create a calm and soothing environment. To let this happen, make your room a true calm and serene place; use light furniture and decoration in soft colors. Also avoid overloading room with your stuff andtry to isolate it from the noise outside. To have a better sleep, ventilate your room regularly and make sure your room temperature is between 16 and 19°C. Remember to choose a good bedding and a good pillow.
Listen to your body
Your body usually makes you feel when it needs sleep. It would send several signs which can be revealed through itchy eyes, heavy eyelids, yawning or the need to stretch every time. When you notice these signs, do not wait too long to go to bed. You will see how easy you’re going to fall asleep. And if you ever wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep right away, get up and do some quiet activity, like reading. Finally, if you’re not feeling sleepy early in the evening, avoid going to bed too early because it is useless.