Kanye West is Running for Presidency!
What Britney Spears has to do with it?
Hala Fayyad

On the 4th of July, Kanye West took the chance to raise controversy once again through his tweets, but this time he’s running for presidency!
Kanye announced on Twitter that he wants to run for President. He wrote: “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States Flag of United States! #2020VISION.”
His tweet went viral not only in the United States but in the whole world. However, it wasn’t clear if his candidacy was serious or just a way to promote himself, or maybe throwing his name in the ring to help out his buddy Trump; They believe the goal is to take away a majority of African-American voters from Biden.
In this regard, Britney Spears fans raised their voices after Kanye’s announcement, as they were calling for an end to her conservatorship under the hashtag #FreeBritney, who struggled of mental illness and has been living till now under conservatorship. Fans linked Britney to Kanye West, as he was also hospitalized for mental illness and was involuntarily held for over a week, and now he’s running for presidency.
The difference is that Kanye was treated and never put under any kind of conservatorship, and the #freebritney movement believes Britney should be given the same opportunity.