8 Essential oils to add to your summer bag
In case of emergencies
Louise Ballongue / Madame Figaro

A specialist just gave us her selection of best essential oils to cure small and major summer ailments.
Sunburns, insect bites, migraines ... During the summer, we are exposed to different kind of inconveniences. They would almost ruin our vacation. Fortunately, many essential oils can be the perfect remedy for these summer problems.
Florence Raynaud, naturopathic pharmacist and author of “Les 30 médicaments Les plus Vendus sans Ordonnance: Faux Besoins-Vrais dangers”, published by Éditions du Dauphin, gives us her selection of essential oils to slip into your summer bag.
Naturally effective
“Essential oils are amazingly effective. They treat some ailments just like “traditional” medications, if not better," says Florence Raynaud.
Thus, these liquids extracted from plants can accompany us on a daily basis, as they relieve migraines, promote sleep or soothe stress. Remember that essential oils do not appreciate heat, cold or light. No need to keep them in your beach bag. Always keep them away from light and in a dry place.
Some oils can be slipped inside our summer bag, to use them in case of sunburns, insect bites, or excessive sweating. However, pregnant women, children under the age of twelve and people with allergies should not use them.
“To find out if you are allergic, always test a drop of essential oil on the crease of your elbow. Then wait for an hour or two to see how your body reacts,” advises the pharmacist.
8 essential oils you must bring in vacation
Huile Essentielle Bio by Citronelle
“It is an effective anti-inflammatory oil. It calms insect bites and also helps reduce sweating," explains Florance.
Mix three drops of Citronelle essential oil with two drops of lavenderessential oil, then apply the mixture to the sting. You can also put a drop under your armpits, which is an alternative to deodorant.
Gaulthérie Odorante Bio by Huiles & Sens
The expert says: “It is useful when working out, for muscle pain, tendonitis or stiffness, it is also a great migraines reliever."
Apply the essential oil and massage the muscle. To relieve migraines, mix two drops of winter green Gaulthérie essential oil with two drops of peppermint, then apply the mixture to the temples and massage.
Cannelle Cinnamon by Néroliane
“This essential oil fights fatigue,” says Florence Raynaud
Take sugar cubes in the morning soaked in a drop of this cinnamon essential oil. Don’t use it over 5 days, because it could damage the liver.
Mentha Piperita by Phytosun
“This peppermint essential oil treats nausea”
Apply a drop of essential oil on a sugar cube then suck on it. Repeat it 3 times a day depending on nausea.
Lavende Aspic by Naturactive
“This aspic lavender essential oil soothes severe burns, including sunburn. It is an excellent calming and soothing oil. "
For a small area, putsome drops of it on a cotton swab then apply directly on the burn. For a large area, dilute 4 drops of the essential oil in two teaspoons of Millepertuis lipid extract.
Oregano essential oil by Néroliane
“Oregano essential oil combined with tea tree oil is an excellent stimulant tonic. It also treats cystitis.”
In case of nervous fatigue, apply a drop of oregano essential oil on a sugar cube and suck on it. Repeat 3 times a day for 5 days.
For cystitis, put a drop of oregano and a drop of tea tree on a sugar cube and suck on it. Repeat 3 times a day for 5 days.
Fine Lavender essential oil by Mességué
“It is recommended for sleep disorders. It's a powerful tranquilizer. "
Put two drops of fine lavender essential on sugar cube and suck it just before going to bed.
Tea Tree essential oil by Mességué
“Tea tree essential oil treats fungus and gets rid of warts. It also kills ticks, which are always there during summer.”
To anesthetize a tick and then remove it, apply two drops of tea tree essential oil and two drops of peppermint essential oil to it, using a cotton swab.
To fight fungi, apply a few drops of tea tree to them, using a cotton swab. For warts, put two drops of tea tree and two drops of cinnamon on a cotton swab, then brush off the wart with the mixture. Repeat until it falls.