Enhance your beach tan with lipstick & nail polish
These are Saint Laurent’s makeup artist’s tips
Julia Avellaneda / Madame Figaro

As the summer comes to an end, let’s make the most of it and embrace some bold make-up trends. Bright, fruity colors to cover the nails, while the lips get flashier than ever to make your summer tan stand out. However, it is important to know which shades to use to enhance your tan. Yves Saint Laurent make-up artist, Emilio Benedetti, shared his advice in this matter.
While in summer we are free from restrictions, bright colors come to bring out the tanned complexion of beach vacations.
“When it comes to lipstick, we prefer warm, solar, orange, apricot or fruity shades. Nail polishes are very colorful. We dare everything, even almond green," says Emilio Benedetti, Yves Saint Laurent make-up artist.
Push your makeup limits
Green on the nails and peach on the lips? Because why not? After all, skin, clothes and makeup embrace colors during summer. However, you need to be careful not to overdo it. Better opt for an eye-catching lipstick, with satin finish, as the MUA recommends, with a nude complexion of tinted sunscreen and concealer. “You should not load the complexion. The best is to make it glowy with satin cheekbones, and a touch of highlighter,” he recommends.
Those who do not want to break free from traditions can take on a different perspective: nail polish and red lipstick. It is better to avoid matching them: “It's not the trend”. The best solution is to choose two shades from the same color. This will get you a bit out of your comfort zone.
Last touch of the look: a “Twiggy” mascara that will make your eyes bigger. Emilio Benedetti adds that "you can also apply eye make-up, as it all depends on how you wear it!"
Although an old beauty rule says that “one should not apply eye makeup when wearing flashy lipstick”, however, this is not relevant any more according the make-up expert, since with the face mask, the lipstick will make small appearances every now and then.
Vernis Rouge, Chanel
Highlighting concealer, Sensai
Face & body foundation, Dior
Foundation Neo Nude, Giorgio Armani
Sheer Shine lipstick, Guerlain
L'Absolu Rouge French Art of Love lipstick, Lancôme
Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils, Yves Saint Laurent