3 yoga poses to boost your immunity
Create a stress-free lifestyle
Vanessa Haber

Stress is the main cause for most of chronic diseases; many studies have proven that when your body is exposed to stress for a long-term, it can lead to serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes and depression among others. Wondering why? It is because stress weakens your immune system, making your body feel helpless when fighting off antigens.
Maintaining a stress-free lifestyle can be challenging especially during these hard times. However, you can invest your time to practice daily activities to release stress, which will give your immunity system a boost, consequently. Fortunately, yoga can help you in this regard by strengthening your nervous system and allowing it to function properly.
In the following, 3 yoga poses you can practice from the comfort of your own home to boost your immunity by relaxing your body and getting rid of stress.
Sitting and breathing
It is the traditional pose for meditation. It allows you to relax and breathe deeply in order to reduce stress hormones, heart rate, and nervous system distress, which helps you boost your immune system.
Here’s how to do it:
- Cross your legs and put yourself in a comfortable position.
- Keep your back and head straight while tucking the chin slightly.
- Inhale deeply then exhale and feel rooted in your seat
- Take at least 10 deep breaths so that your body will feel fully relaxed and stress-free.
Forward fold
Forward bends are able to increase blood flow to the sinuses, which ease congestion. Sinuses and our mucus membranes are our body’s first line of defense against infection, thus keeping them healthy can definitely boost your immune system
Here’s how to do it:
- Stand straight and keep your feet apart
- Bend down slowly at the hips while keeping your legs straight
- Stay for 5-10 breaths at least
When done, roll yourself slowly to standing to prevent any dizziness feeling
Legs up the wall
It is one of the most relaxing yoga poses that allows lymph drainage, blood circulation, as well as releasing pressure from your back. As result, your nervous system will be completely relaxed and reset.
Here’s how to do it:
- Sit about 3 inches away from a plain wall
- Lie on your back on mat and bring your legs up on the wall, by resting your thighs it.
- Place your arms by your sides or on your stomach gently
- Remain in this position for 1-10 minutes