Alternative Heated Tobacco Products - Eliminate Burning and Reduce Harmful Chemicals
Jad Aboud

Multiple scientific studies have proven the harmful impact traditional cigarettes have on people’s health in general, substantiating that it’s the burning of tobacco that is the main cause of smoking-related illnesses. That is why searching for innovative methods and alternative products are deemed essential to reduce the harms associated with traditional smoking, and has been a goal the world aspired to achieve in the past 15 years.
Cigarette smoke is considered the main cause of smoking-related diseases as it contains dozens of toxic chemicals, most of which are generated when tobacco is combusted. When tobacco is ignited by a heat source, such as a matchstick or a lighter, it reaches temperatures above 600°C, and as a result, the burning generates ash and smoke. This smoke is known to contain more than 6,000 chemicals; about 100 of them identified as major causes of smoking-related diseases.
The various smoke-free products in the market share common similarities and are designed to eliminate combustion, and consequently no ash or smoke is produced, which in turn reduces the exposure to harmful toxins related to traditional cigarette smoke. Hence, the latest scientific findings lead to consider smoke-free products as a better alternative than conventional cigarettes.
In the specific case of heated tobacco products - a type of smoke-free product - tobacco is heated at a controlled temperature without burning the tobacco, resulting in the generation of nicotine-containing aerosol, which differs in its composition from cigarette smoke. In the case of traditional cigarettes, water and glycerin make up 50% of the smoke mass, along with high levels of toxic substances as well as solid carbon particles.
In contrast, studies show that water and glycerin make up 90% of the aerosol from heated tobacco products, with no solid particles and toxic substance levels are on average 90% lower than cigarette smoke. However, it is worth noting that these products are not risk-free because they contain nicotine, which can lead to addiction.
This article is provided by Philip Morris International – Lebanon