Extend the Life of your Polish with Brazilian Manicure
Victoria Hidoussi - Madame Figaro

Those who do not know how to apply nail polish without spilling will be delighted. Far from being a crazy suggestion from a lone artist, the latest manicure trend is actually very common in beauty salons in Brazil.
If it's in the news today, it's because this technique is experiencing a resurgence of interest on TikTok, where the "Brazilian manicure" trend has more than 2 billion views. The users of this platform, which is popular for its "do it yourself" beauty tutorials, like to reproduce this look at home. Indeed, even the less skilled in nail art who have always had difficulty handling their brush can try this technique.
Smudge your nails
Before even applying the nail polish, the Brazilian method implies a first essential step that is not always mentioned in online tutorials: you must first push the cuticles of the nail completely outwards using a tool specifically adapted for this purpose.
Once this essential preamble is completed, you can then generously apply the colored nail polish of your choice to the entire nail. Including the edges of the nail bed and even the skin of the fingers that surrounds it. There is no need to be thorough, on the contrary, the brush stroke should be almost rough. Then simply remove the excess with a boxwood stick, before "cleaning" the area with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover.
Unlike the Italian manicure, which leaves a thin empty line between the nail and its edge, this Brazilian style ensures a total coverage of the surface and avoids that the polish flakes in the corners. This is what would ensure a longer lasting color, in short, according to its advocates.
As a bonus, the nails look bigger since the gap between the cuticle and the nail is eliminated beforehand. However, this characteristic phase of the Brazilian manicure (which is not practiced during a classic manicure) is controversial by some professionals. Indeed, this essential external skin layer would have for role to prevent bacteria from penetrating in the nails in order to avoid possible inflammations or infection. Thus, the regrowth may be a little slower and less healthy.