What Others Think of You According to Your Sign
Are they judgments or true facts?
Hala Fayyad

We create a certain idea about someone we just met or maybe known him for a while; these are just snap judgments or first impression someone leaves. Ever wonder how we are perceived by other people and the impression that we make on people we have just met, or even a person we have known for years?
Gladly, zodiac signs can answer the question, because each sign has a quality that other people notice quickly, and sometimes make judgments. True or not, people think about them anyway. So, what do people think of you according to your sign?
Your interesting and optimistic personality attracts people towards you. Whatever the problem, you give the impression that you have the answer to everything. Others like your honesty and how you deal with difficulties. What people don't like about you is your bossiness and sharp-tongue.
You look calm, reliable, and others admire your organizational skills. People don't realize how sensitive you are and how easily your feelings get hurt. However, others might be annoyed by your traditional thinking, even if you are right; they cannot understand why you are so stubborn.
People love being around you because you are interesting, fun, and have a great sense of humor. Only close people know you can be moody and stubborn. Some may think that you are arrogant because of your sarcasm.
You look like a caring mother who cares for others and makes sure everyone is happy. People love your care and appreciate your wise advice. They realize that you are sometimes moody. Professionally speaking, you’re viewed as someone who can quickly spot an opportunity for financial gain.
Your personality is unique; you have a way of standing out in a crowd. Others are attracted to your energy, enthusiasm, and attitude to assume responsibility. They assume you’ll take a leadership position. But some people might accuse you of having big ego.
You are trustworthy and look like the one who can find logical solutions to almost any problem. People come to you for advice, as they trust your judgments and admire your ability to set your priorities and organize your life. However, some people often others see you as arrogant and cold.
People feel important when they’re with you because you always seem to understand their point of view. They see you outgoing and someone who knows how to attract others to you. For some people, you look arrogant and overly concerned with your appearance.
Your mysterious personality attracts people to you and makes them curious of what you’re thinking about it. People realize how sensitive you are and fantasize about you as a lover. You look very ambitious and over-controlling, but you are a reliable person, because you never make false promises.
People admire your sense of humor and appreciate your willingness to help. People love your honesty, but for some, you look unreliable, and maybe a little cold. But in general, you are seen as an unpredictable independent person.
You are often seen as an irresistible force. People rely on you because you are known for your great sense of realism. When others need logical and rational advice, they come to you. However, some may avoid you because they think you’re too pessimistic.
What most people notice about you is your ability to find unfamiliar and innovative ideas that can amaze everyone around you. People get upset of your supreme ability to never question yourself and plod forward with confidence in any situation.
Everyone thinks you are their close friend and that they have your full interest. You are also known for your intelligence, energy, and for being always interested in new activities. People think you have an artistic and bohemian sense. But oddly, the more people lean on you, the more they find you weak.